Do you know what is Pass Line in craps? Well, the layout of a craps table can be intimidating for beginners. There are craps bet variations which extend up to 12 feet across a table. With this, one of the most popular craps bets is the Pass Line.
If you are just starting out your craps journey and don’t know what the Pass Line bet is, we will explain it. Whether it is in your local casino for playing online craps, this specific bet is similar. In addition, our strategies for playing the Pass Line are similar. Let’s take a look below.
Understanding What is Pass Line in Craps

To understand what is Pass Line in craps, it is the outermost bet on the felt of the craps table. The area on the felt for betting in this bet variant is easy to find. You just just look for where it says “PASS LINE”. Before the come out roll, or opening roll for the game, you can place your chips in this designated space on the felt.
By betting on the Pass Line, you will be wagering on three numbers (7, 11, or point) to hit. To succeed with your bet on the come out roll, the shooter has to roll a 7 or 11. However, when the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12, then the bet is a loss. Then, a new shooter will be selected for the next come out roll.
Conversely of what is Pass Line in craps, a point is made if 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 is rolled. The round will continue until the point number ir a 7 will be rolled. The last thing you want to see after the come out roll if you have money on the Pass Line is dice with a combination of 7 on the table.
Moreover, following a 7, bets will be paid out and chips collected for losses. However, when the point hits, every player that bet on the Pass Line will win their bet.
Odds in Pass Line Craps
After knowing what is Pass Line in craps, you should know that this betting variant is one of the better offerings in the casino. As far as Pass Line odds are connected, it doesn’t have the best odds in craps.
The house edge in this variant is 1.41%. This is much better odds than other popular casino games like slot machines, roulette, blackjack games with bad rules, and so on.
The odds of winning your Pass Line on the come out roll remains 2 in 9. It means that players have 22.2% chance of winning on the first roll and an 11.12% chance of crapping out.
However, with the point roll considered, the true odds is 49.3%. Despite what is Pass Line in craps being the more popular bet, the Don’t Pass bet statistically favors the player. It shaves the house edge off slightly to 1.36%.
Odds Bet Behind Pass Line in Craps
Following the come out roll, players can place bets behind of what is Pass Line in craps. Before the point roll, players can place chips behind the Pass Line as an additional bet and the first bet.
The main objective is similar for the odds bet above: roll the point number before rolling a 7. What makes this betting variant special is that the house has no edge on an odds bet behind the Pass Line.
How to Play Pass Line in Craps
From what is Pass Line in craps, it can be played with a couple of basic strategies, and a few combinations bets, placing your chips at two positions around the board. The easiest way to play the Pass Line is to place a bet before the come out roll.
The craps rules don’t allow betting on the Pass Line following the first roll. However, the come bet is enabled after the opening roll.
1. Make an Odds Bet Behind the Pass Line
The odds bet is a side bet, in which the shooter rolls the point number before rolling a 7. Placing odds on the Pass Line can only happen after a point has been made. The odds bet will lose with the Pass Line bet.
However, the odds are an even money bet. It means the house will get no advantages on the bet. However, you should remember, the casinos have limits to how many multiples of your first bet you can make out of an odds.
If a casino promotes 10x odds on craps Pass Line, they will say you can bet 10x your first Pass Line on an odds bet. Typically, most casinos will offer 5x odds or less now.
With no house edge, the odds bet is one of the best bets in craps. When your bankroll allows for it, max out the odds bet behind of what is Pass Line in craps.
2. Couple Your Pass Line with a Field Bet
As you know about what is Pass Line in craps, some players like to take a field bet when the bets have low point numbers. In other words, the shooter will roll a 4 or a 10. You will have better odds of getting paid on a 6 or 8, then the bet is a good option to consider.
Moreover, place a field bet on a 6 or 8 in this example. The field bet is only for the next roll, and while you might end up losing more, it can cover your loss on the Pass line bet as a small insurance bet. In addition, there is also a chance that you can win both of your bets if you are lucky.
3. Don’t Let Losing Pass Line Bets Discourage You
Many players lose on a Pass Line bet and immediately jump into a sucker bet to try to recover all of their losses in one bet. Just because the odds failed you once, it doesn’t mean it will happen each time. With a small house edge of 1.41%, it is still one of the better bets in the casino.
If you are on a losing streak at the table for what is Pass Line in craps, you can consider lowering your bet size. Following some winning bets, gradually boost your bet size as the game progresses. This will ensure that your bankroll remains in good standing throughout your craps game.
Now, you already know what is Pass Line in craps. It is the biggest wager on the craps table’s felt. The one thing you should remember, the worst thing you can do for your bankroll is to go on tilt and make bad bets. Therefore, you can remain committed to your Pass Line strategy on how to play craps or consider to mix it up with a Don’t Come bet.