If you are a fan of card games, then you need to know what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker. Don’t worry, we will help you figure it out and the concept by looking it into every aspect of it. We will explain what blinds are in a poker game to give you a clear understanding. So, pay attention and don’t miss even a little point!
What is a Blind in Texas Holdem Poker You Should Know?

For those of you who are wondering what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker, it is a mandatory contribution to the pot at the beginning of every hand. Two players are needed to make this compulsory bet into the pot before the hand proceeds. Of course, the game can’t be played without the blinds.
Important ❗
Depending on how many players are in the game, Texas Holdem blinds will require to be involved into the pot by two players. The two players will be responsible for the blinds change after each hand.
The player who sits immediately to the left of the dealer button is responsible for the small blind. In addition, the big blind needs to be placed by the player to the left of the small blind player.
Poker blinds will ensure that there are always chips in the pot. The process will also encourage more players to play in hand instead of waiting for premium cards. Since all players at the table have a turn in poker, there is no benefit or risks on what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker. After every hand, the blinds will shift one spot clockwise.
Example of Texas Holdem Poker Blinds
- MYR 50 / MYR 100
- MYR 100 / MYR 200
- MYR 500 / MYR 100
- MYR 250 / MYR 500
These are a helpful example of bets that you will encounter at best e-wallet Casino Malaysia. The higher of the blinds, then the higher of the stakes. The smaller amount of money is always the small blind, while the bigger number is the big blind in poker.
Small Blinds in Texas Holdem Poker
To give you more understanding about what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker, the player on the small blind will sit to the left of the dealer button. As its name suggests, the small blind is the smaller of the 2 poker blinds that need to be involved into the pot.
In addition, the small blind in poker can be as little as a penny. However, if you go to poker room at casino or card room, the small binds will generally start at MYR 10. On the other hand, there are high stakes online poker games with small blinds that reach MYR 1000 or even more. These poker games can be played for the high rollers.
Big Blinds in Texas Holdem Poker
In addition to the small blind on what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker, the big blind has to be played. The player to the left of the small blind has the responsibility of putting the big blind into the pot.
Then, they will be responsible for the small blind in the next hand. The clockwise cycle will ensure that the player who is recently on the big blind will be responsible for the small blind in the following hand of the game.
Important ❗
The big blind on what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker is the largest bet. No one wants to play the big blind, however, it is a common rule required in every types of poker game.
If you think that the big blind is too large, you should not be playing at these bets. You can consider moving down in stakes to a smaller lever for your bankroll.
How Blinds Affect Action in Texas Holdem Poker?
Besides what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker, you must be wondering how it affects the game’s action. Well, the higher the blinds are, the more factor players have to enter the pots with a raise to try and steal the blinds from players who have placed them without looking at their cards.
When all players sit down with a MYR 2000 stack in a MYR 100 / MYR 200 cash game, then players will have no reason to raise it up to MYR 600 to try and win the MYR 300 already out there. The two players in the blinds have 2 random cards. It means it is unlikely they will have a big hand they can defend their blinds with.
In addition, if the game is played without blinds and all players are sitting with MYR 2000 at the table, there will be no real bonus to enter pots or play any poker. While games without poker blinds are accessible, these will force bets to make a lot of sense in beginning the action. We bet you can understand more about what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker.
A Strategy: Defending Your Poker Blinds
After understanding what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker, you also need to figure out how to defend it. As we mentioned above, the big problem with being seated in one of the two blind positions in every poker variation is that you will be forced to spend money without looking at your cards.
Whether a small or big blind out there, you might be forced to continue to the flop in poker if no other players come in for a raise. In raised pots, you will often be offered very good pot odds to create a call and see a flop. It is because most players only open for a min-raise these days. Therefore, there are quite a few things you need to consider when playing in the poker blinds.
In conclusion about what is a blind in Texas Holdem poker, it is not complicated once we get used to them. We simply need to remember to place the appropriate chip denomination into the pot when we are in a small or big blind position.
With no blinds, poker may easily become a boring game where every player at the table waits for the good holdings. Instead, players are encouraged to enter the pot with the weaker holdings in the hopes of picking up the blinds preflop.