7 Tips on How to Play Texas Holdem with Chips

How to Play Texas Holdem with Chips

Do you want to know how to play Texas Holdem with chips and become a master? Of course, poker can be an exciting game with a number of chit chat, gambling, and chips moving round the table. 

Learning what is happening and why chips are sliding around can be a bit of a mystery for beginners. If you dream of getting a big win with your own strategy, let’s learn how to play this poker variation with your chips. 

What are Poker Chips for in Texas Holdem?

Chips in Texas Hold’em Poker

Before jumping into how to play Texas Holdem with chips, it is important to figure out what poker chips represent. Playing for real money on the table will be much too difficult, and chips allow casinos to easily offer change and values that will work on the table.

Well, there are two types of format to understand when considering what poker chips are used. Most importantly, they represent some amount of cash.

Cash Games

In these games, the chips will represent the real money of a player’s buy-in. For instance, a player may get $200 worth of chips in a $1 or $2 No Limit Holdem game. Players commonly try to buy into a cash game for at least 50 times the big blind in the game. 

After a good run that $200 might have risen to $500. In this format, a player will get up and leave at any time cash in those chips. In this case, it means a good win of $300. As a player, you also need to learn how to count cards in Texas Holdem.


Before knowing how to play Texas Holdem with chips, a poker tournament like the World Series of Poker involves playing until there is only one left in the game. Players will be eliminated along the way. In tournaments, chips have different values as well, however, it doesn’t necessarily match the buy-in for the tournament. 

A player might buy-in for a $1,000 tournament and begin with 20,000 chips. This setup will allow longer play and a deeper chip stack throughout the event. 

Texas Holdem Poker Ranking Hands

Wait a minute… Before we really get into how to play Texas Holdem with chips, understanding the poker ranking hands is an important part of playing Texas Holdem. Poker is classified as a class of games. Each types of poker has different rules and gameplay, however, hands are generally based on the best 5-card a player holds.

  • Royal Flush – Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10, all are the same suit. This hand is the best poker ranking and extremely rare (A♥ K♥  Q♥ J♥ 10♥)
  • Straight Flush – 5 cards in a sequence and all in the same suit. This hand is also quite rare (7♦ 8♦ 9♦ 10♦ J♦)
  • Four of a kind – All 4 cards of the same rank. However, this might another hand you might not see often (Q♠ Q♣ Q♦ Q♥)
  • Full House – 3 of a kind with an extra pair. This hand is dominant and can win many pots on how to play Texas Holdem with chips (3♠ 3♣ 3♦ 2♠ 2♦)
  • Flush – Any 5 cards of the same suit, however, not in sequence. In the event 2 players have a flush with the higher flush will win as in the case of this Ace-high flush (A♣ J♣ 10♣ 6♣ 2♣)
  • Straight – 5 cards in a sequence, however, not in the same suit. Ties are broken by the highest cards in the game (4♦ 5♠ 6♦ 7♠ 8♥)
  • Three of a kind – 3 cards in the same rank (Q♣ Q♦ Q♥)
  • Two pair – Two different pairs of cards not in the same suit (10♠ 10♣ 4♦ 4♠)
  • Pair – Two cards in the same rank (A♣ A♦)
  • High card – When you haven’t created any of the hands above, the highest card will play. This hand is weak and can’t win often (K♠ J♣ 10♥ 9♣ 6♦)

How to Play Texas Holdem with Chips with Easy Ways

Alright, now you already know the poker rank hands and what poker chips are for, here are some ways on how to play Texas Holdem with chips. Understanding the game mechanics will help you in learning how to play more quickly. 

1. Button

On how to play Texas Holdem with chips, each player at the table commonly deals, and the button will move around the table. At the best e-wallet Casino Malaysia, the button represents where the dealer will often be, however, a professional dealer will distribute cards from the button’s location. 

In addition, the button will rotate around the table after each hand. This position can be a beneficial location as this player will act last after the flop in poker has been dealt. 

2. Flop

Flop on how to play Texas Holdem with chips occurs with the placement of 3 community cards by the dealer after the pre-flop action. Players can use any of the community cards to make the best five card hand in this action. 

3. Turn (Fourth Street)

Turn in poker or fourth street on how to play Texas Holdem with chips represents the fourth community card dealt after the betting on the flop is completed. 

4. River (Fifth Street)

River in poker is the final card dealt after the flop and turn cards have been dealt on the board. Moreover, players in Omaha and Texas Holdem make their best 5-card hands using these community cards. 

5. Hole Cards

These are your cards that other players will not allow to see. The hole cards are used in conjunction with the community cards in games like Texas Holdem poker game. 

6. Big Blind

Big blind on how to play Texas Holdem with chips is a forced bet that will rotate around the table. The player two seats to the left of the dealer button posts this, so the others at the table must call, raise, or even fold (not just check).

The bet will force action to build the pot. If no one raises ahead of this player, he might simply check when it will get around to him as he already has placed the blind bet. 

7. Small Blind

In the small blind, this player is one spot to the left of the dealer button and posts half the big blind. If no player raises, this player can complete his blind to play, unless there is from the big blind. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion on how to play Texas Holdem with chips, you can start by learning what poker chips are for. This will help you to understand the main objective of the game.

After that, you can remember all poker hand rankings to know how the game works. Keep in mind that poker is a casino game that requires skill. So, you can make your own strategy to win the game!